Advisory - Residential Valuation

Whitfield is a Partner specialising in development and valuation consultancy
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Mark specialises in valuation advice for a range of property types and purposes, including bank financing, contentious and disputed valuations and assessments of economic viability. He focuses on the provision of capital and rental value across all sectors of the property market, as well as providing development advice to clients. His clients include landed estates, local authorities, charities, commercial landowners and developers.
Mark has extensive experience providing advice to landowners seeking to realise development value through the planning process. Mark’s focus is on identifying commercially deliverable solutions to meet the objectives of both the landowning body and potential development partners to enable them realise their respective objectives.
Mark also provides valuation advice and expert evidence for use in High Court proceedings, arbitrations, mediations and public inquiries. Working with our specialist heritage planners, Mark’s also been involved in formulating development proposals relating to listed buildings.
Key Skills
- Commercial property and development valuation and appraisals
- Promotion and development of land
- Compulsory Purchase advice
- Expert Witness advice in arbitrations and court hearings
- Central Bedfordshire Council
- Lee Valley Regional Park Authority
- Croydon Gateway Limited Partnership
- Total (UK) Limited
- Standard Life Assurance Limited
- Irish Banking Resolution Corporation
- London & Regional Properties
- Guinness Limited