Planning - Housing & Land

James is an Associate specialising in Planning and Development.
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Nadine is a Chartered Town Planner with expertise in planning and development across both London and the South East.
Nadine advises clients primarily on residential-led projects across both the private and public sector. This tends to include projects with complex issues and their own unique challenges. Recent instructions include estate regeneration, residential led mixed use developments and bring forward previously developed land to deliver housing.
Nadine is responsible for the day-to-day management of instructions and providing clients with comprehensive planning advice to overcome individual project challenges. This includes providing strategic planning advice to clients, preparing and submitting planning, including full, outline, reserved matters and hybrid applications and negotiations of legal agreements.
Nadine understands the importance of working collaboratively with both Local Planning Authorities, key stakeholders and other members of individual project teams to ensure that the best outcome is achieved for our clients.
Key Skills:
- Planning and Development
- Residential-led development
- Estate Regeneration
- High density development
- Town Centre Regeneration
- Countryside Partnerships
- Barratt London
- Stonegate Homes
- Unibail Rodamco Westfield
- Areli Real Estate
- Riverside
- Royal Town Planning Institute
- Royal Town Planning Institute