Planning - Central London

Bovill is a Partner specialising in planning
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A qualified Chartered Town Planner and Chartered Surveyor with over 24 years’ experience, Peter works on a range of projects and sectors primarily within London covering commercial offices, hotels, mixed-use residential, education and culture, industrial, business parks and energy. He works alongside multi-disciplinary teams, co-ordinating the planning process to its successful conclusion.
Peter is also a Board Member of the Westminster Property Association and meets regularly with senior officers of Westminster City Council in this capacity.
He is an expert in the growing impact of the green agenda on new proposals, and as an Associate of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment he keeps up to date with this increasingly influential area.
Peter advises on conservation and listed building issues as well as providing Expert Witness services.
Peter has secured planning permissions on several large/high profile sites from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, the Bank of England, Swan Valley, Northampton, Farmiloe Building (Farringdon) to tall residential buildings across London.
Key Skills
- Planning and development
- Residential and mixed-use development
- Heritage and Expert Witness
- Asset management and corporate real estate
- Multi-disciplinary team coordination
- Aberdeen Standard
- Amdec
- Cay International
- Greycoat
- Live Nation
- MHA Associates
- Pella Real Estate Partners
- Wrenbridge Land
- Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS)
- Member of Royal Town Planning Institute (MRTPI)
- Board Member of Westminster Property Association (WPA)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
- MA Town and Regional Planning
- Diploma in Surveying
- BA (Hons) Geography
- Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS)
- Member of Royal Town Planning Institute (MRTPI)
- Board Member of Westminster Property Association (WPA)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
- MA Town and Regional Planning
- Diploma in Surveying
- BA (Hons) Geography