Advisory - Rating

Clark is a Partner specialising in rating
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Sandra is a business rates expert specialising in minimising rate liabilities for hotels and trading properties.
For over 25 years Sandra has provided rating valuation and liability advice across a wide range of business sectors, with her particular specialism being the hotel and leisure sector. She has advised clients on seeking to minimise current and future business rate liabilities for existing and planned developments. Sandra also has experience in bulk classes for offices, retail and industrial and more specialised properties such as film studios, car showrooms, health clubs, golf courses and bowling alleys.
Sandra started her career in the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) before moving to private practice as a valuation and rating surveyor, now a Partner at Montagu Evans.
For the 2010 rating revaluation she was able to reach prior agreements with the VOA on numerous assessments to minimise rate liabilities, with the benefit of foregoing the appeals process with its time implications and uncertainty. Her extensive experience of negotiating with the VOA ensures the best outcomes are achieved to maximise client savings when appeals are discussed.
Sandra was also on the panel involved in agreeing the scheme of valuation for hotels with the VOA for the 2017 revaluation, and is currently undertaking the same exercise for the 2021 revaluation.
Previous roles include Director at Lambert Smith Hampton and Partner at Edward Symmons Group.
Key Skills
- Rating valuation advice
- Appeal negotiations
- Rating liability and budget advice
- Advice for proposed schemes
- Empty rate strategy and mitigation
- Mandarin Oriental
- Firmdale Hotels
- Red Carnation Hotels
- Millennium and Copthorne hotels
- Motel One
- Compass Hotels
- Ealing Studios
- Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Registered Valuer
- BSc (Hons) Urban Land Administration
- Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Registered Valuer
- BSc (Hons) Urban Land Administration